Kevin has been working in the public sector for over 15 years. He has extensive knowledge in the field of behaviour change and the human mind. Kevin is very well thought of through the work he has delivered. He has worked with GPs, nurses, HCAs, health professionals, students, teachers and other areas of business in and around the Midlands area. Kevin has a healthy fascination with how people use their minds. He believes that talking and exploring our thoughts are essential in terms of growth and self-learning.

Kevin Guthrie

He describes his knowledge as mostly self-learned with a back up of academia. His own personal journey began in his late 20s, his desire was for a mind that had more stillness and peace. He describes his mind back then as chaotic but also very negative. His personal journey continues, he says ” we should never stop growing or learning”

Having had a poor experience of therapy in his late 20s, he decided he didn’t want others to have the same experience.

Working with the mind on a one to one basis or in a corporate setting takes some understanding, deep connection to those you are working with and sometimes bravery to go where others haven’t been. We simply can’t grow without feeling some level of paid or discomfort.