
The prospect of showing our vulnerability to another and opening up difficult and often painful material can be a daunting one. Choosing a therapist who is right for you will help you to realise the full benefit of counselling in an environment where you feel comfortable. If you have got this far, in that you are searching for a therapist then please don’t stop.

You have identified you could benefit from some time that is yours to talk openly and honestly without fear of judgement. It may not be me you are looking for, there are many great therapists out there. You will know when you feel you have found the right one, trust in those feelings.

This is the first step in getting back to a place where you feel more comfortable and happy.

For me, the best way to find your best fit is to meet with the counsellor. I offer a free 20-minute meeting, giving us both chance to engage and you the chance to see if you feel comfortable with me.

Call me on 07979 084 226 to make an appointment.

Good luck in your search

